Climate change has been noticeable for several years. In summer the temperate zone has enormous temperatures. We were not yet aware of these. Health problems and circulatory breakdowns are the result. The following sections inform readers about correct behavior in heat.
When the heat becomes unbearable
On some summer days there are temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. These can be particularly dangerous for older and younger people. When the summer heat is troubling, even simple ones can help Tips for cooling down. It can make sense to install fans inside the apartment. In this way, the residents are offered a cool climate. This is indispensable when working on theoretical tasks.
The brain is overwhelmed by overheating and no longer does a good job. Regular ventilation is also important. However, this can only be done at night. It ensures a restful sleep and cools the body. Clothing should be light and loose on hot days.
Those who wear tight clothing must expect unpleasant sweat stains. The head is particularly important. Caps and hats can protect against sunburn and sunstroke. In addition, sunscreen can keep your skin cool.
Which drinks help
When it's hot, many people seek out an iced coffee. There are cool drinks and food here. However, care must be taken. Drinks with added sugar are counterproductive in extremely hot weather. Water is particularly effective. This must not be too cold. Cool water increases the internal heat. Only drinks at room temperature should be ordered.
Many people prefer alcoholic beverages at a barbecue. They can lead to circulatory collapse. If you want to drink a beer, you have to convince yourself in advance that you are in good health. This fact is especially true for sparkling wine, wine and schnapps. Milk also harbors certain dangers.
An iced coffee can be refreshing, but it contains the wrong ingredients for warm times of the year. A smoothie is an alternative. These are available in all flavors. Mint has an internal cooling effect and refreshes the senses. In addition, ginger water can be used.
Which food is recommended on hot days?
When it is hot, you must pay particular attention to a light diet. This way, the digestive system is not overloaded. Those who like cool dishes can concentrate on salads. These are available in different versions. Heavy salads - such as pasta or potato salads - should not have mayonnaise added.
Mayonnaise is very heavy and can quickly lead to salmonella poisoning. Cold or lukewarm soups are suitable as a main course. A spicy tomato or bell pepper soup strengthens the energy and tastes extremely delicious on hot days. Of course, ice cream can also be eaten. All you need to make your own ice cream is frozen fruit, powdered sugar and cream or milk. Put all the ingredients in the ice maker and the ice cream is ready to eat.
Prevent circulatory collapse
A circulatory collapse is uncomfortable and can lead to serious consequences. Some people have already died from it, although they could have saved themselves from this calamity. The midday sun is to be avoided. During this time the intensity of the sun's rays is very high. If you have a garden, you have to do the gardening in the morning.
This is not only important for the plants. The rest of the day will be much warmer and pose health risks. A shady spot is always to be found outside. Apart from that, an enormous amount of fluids is essential. The body's water loss is high in summer as people start to sweat profusely. Dehydration quickly occurs with low hydration. This is life-threatening.
How can you stand the heat in the office?
Most people in the office work on computers. Many offices are air-conditioned. However, there are no fans in various small businesses. Table fans can be used as a temporary help. Airy clothing is also important. Do not use polyester or comparable fabrics.
If the office is extremely hot, it is also important to ensure adequate hydration. This should be up to three liters. Anyone who works as a freelancer or on an independent basis at their home computer can organize their working hours flexibly. Working in the morning is much more pleasant than working in the afternoon or afternoon.
Some offices face south. This orientation brings with it a high level of solar radiation. Windows facing south must be darkened. An awning, a roller blind or a curtain are suitable for this.
Approach everything a little more cautiously
You should definitely refrain from hectic movements and demanding sports in summer. The warmer it is, the slower movements have to be performed. Children and the elderly in particular should follow this rule.
Internal stress can also lead to hot flashes. It is to be avoided in any case. Hard work needs to be postponed to a cooler day. Take breaks when working in the garden. The body regenerates in these. The circulation can normalize.
Heavy work has to be done collectively. In this way, the process is more even and the body is spared. On hot summer days, a daily schedule prevents stressful situations and contributes to better well-being.