The human body depends on vitamins and minerals for various functions and processes to run smoothly. This also includes folic acid. Pregnant women in particular have an increased need for folic acid. Will the need for Folic Acid During Pregnancy If not covered, various complaints can arise which endanger mother and child.
What is folic acid?
Folic acid belongs to the family of B vitamins and is soluble in water. Sometimes folic acid is also referred to as vitamin B11, B9, or M. Because the organism cannot produce folic acid on its own, it depends on it being consumed through food. On the one hand there are natural folates and on the other hand industrially produced folic acid. The need for folic acid cannot be generalized.
Infants, children and babies need far less folic acid than adults. With pregnancy, the need increases sharply. Folic acid is found in various foods. Will the need for Folic Acid During Pregnancy not covered by food, it may be necessary to take specific preparations.
Why pregnant women need more folic acid
Pregnant women need much more folic acid than before conception. During the entire pregnancy, cell division is greatly increased by the growing child. After all, the body produces up to 100 million more cells. Accordingly, the folic acid requirement increases by around 50 percent.
Folic acid supports the development of the child and the formation of the nervous system. Studies have shown that an increased intake of folic acid makes sense even in women who want to have children. Taking 600 micrograms of folic acid a day reduces the risk of deformities in the child by 50 to 70 percent. For such a result, it is advisable to consume significantly more folic acid four weeks before the start of pregnancy.
In addition, a sufficient folic acid balance must be ensured, particularly in the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid is found in large quantities, especially in plant-based foods. Because the vitamin is sensitive to heat, the vegetables should be prepared as gently as possible. For example, short cooking with little water is suitable for this.
Consequences of folic acid deficiency
Some children have a neural tube defect. These are malformations in embryonic development that can occur, among other things, in the area of the spine and spinal cord. This disease can be traced back to a folic acid deficiency. Because the neural tube is formed in the first trimester of pregnancy, adequate folic acid intake is necessary.
In addition, further malformations in the child due to a folic acid deficiency cannot be ruled out. In this way, careless intake of the vitamin initially endangers the unborn child in particular. In adults, a deficiency may cause anemia. Folic acid deficiencies are not uncommon in western industrialized countries either. The recommended intake values are often not achieved.
The risk of a folic acid deficiency increases especially with an unbalanced diet, alcohol abuse, the use of certain medications and the treatment of cancer and epilepsy. Risk groups should pay more attention to their diet and, under certain circumstances, resort to specific preparations. A blood test provides information about any deficiency that may be present.
After two to three weeks, the plasma folic acid in the blood decreases due to insufficient folic acid intake. A folic acid deficiency reduces the level of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is a protein building block. As soon as the homocysteine concentration in the blood rises, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and vascular calcification also increases. As a result, there is a risk of heart attacks and strokes.
However, a folic acid deficiency during pregnancy primarily affects the unborn child. The deficiency becomes noticeable, for example, through irritability, poor concentration, depressive moods, nausea, weight loss and diarrhea.
Treatment of folic acid deficiency
If a folic acid deficiency has been diagnosed, quick action is required, especially during pregnancy. Overall, many foods have a high proportion of folic acid. In the event of a deficiency, however, the intake of the vitamin from food is no longer sufficient.
That is why the attending physicians usually prescribe a preparation that is also taken. These are mostly tablets with a content of two to five milligrams of folic acid. After just a few days, the value improves significantly and the health risk for the child decreases.
Prevention of folic acid deficiency
A folic acid deficiency should be prevented as a whole, because otherwise it has an impact on health. Adequate intake of the vitamin is particularly important during pregnancy. Because women sometimes only find out about their pregnancy after a while, it is advisable to take in more folic acid as a precaution if they want to have children and if contraception is suspended.
Folic acid is found mainly in green vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, whole grain products, legumes, nuts and sprouts. Because the vitamin is sensitive to heat, it is recommended to prepare it gently or consume it raw. Pregnant women should consume 600 micrograms of folic acid daily. Adults consume an average of 200 to 300 micrograms of the vitamin daily.
Because the difference can often not be covered by a healthy diet alone, it makes sense to take additional preparations. Pregnant women should trust a consultation with the attending physician in order to avoid negative effects on the child. Overall, the increased need for folic acid during pregnancy should not be underestimated.
In the case of natural folate, no health complaints have been found due to a large dose. Industrially produced folic acid, on the other hand, may mask symptoms of an existing B12 deficiency. The independent intake of preparations is therefore not recommended.